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CERCO AL REY (King siege) 2015/2016

Danza Comun Company

Direction: Andrés Lagos
Dancers: Bellaluz Gutiérrez y Margarita Roa
Assistant director: Rodrigo Estrada
Art direction and lighting desig : Rafael Arévalo
Video and photography: Laisvie Andrea Ochoa
Original music: Vladimir Giraldo
Production: Lina Herrera


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 Mankind has dreamed, revered and feared many gods; none has been more powerful or more definitive than the force of destiny. The gods could disappear only with the task of giving us forget, but nothing would stop the siege approaching or rope throat closes over or falling ranging sword over our heads. This pieces speaks of that final force that governs us and which we can not escape; the impossibility of escape from our labyrinths, of that destination indifferently enriches us or punish us, but also the courage to take it which he has touched us luck. There is in man a force that allows it to resist the laws that condemn.
"Cerco al Rey" is the latest work of the Danza Común Company, which has found its sources of creation in classical mythology (the Minotaur, the labyrinth) and texts by Sophocles (Antigone) and Shakespeare (Hamlet).
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