TÁCTIL Video dance 2014
Concuerpos Inclusive Dance Company
Director and filmmaker: Laisvie Andrea Ochoa.
Company: ConCuerpos inclusive Dance.
Dancers: Alejandro Penagos and Christian Briceño
Music: B l a n a l i
Animation: Laisvie Andrea Ochoa and Maria Paula Gonzalez.
Production: Laisvie Andrea Ochoa. Developed within the Choreographic Experimentation Center of "Danza Comun" Foundation.
Official Selection Festival of Recorded Movement F.O.R.M. 2018 in Canada / Presented as an installation at 4th edition of You Better Move Festival 2018 Dansmakers, Amsterdam /selected for VARTEX: III Muestra de video y experimental MEDELLÍN 2015 / Honorable Mention Video Dance Festival 2014 Colombia / Official Selection of the International Video Dance Festival of Chile Fourth Version / Tour ConCuerpos 2015 in Bogota, Bucaramanga and Sincelejo, Colombia / VII Festival Danza en la Ciudad. IDARTES. Bogota, Colombia 2015.
I exist when your hands create me
This video dance is part of an exploration of sing language and dance in the context of vindicating the linguistic and cultural rights of the deaf community as part of inclusion processes. One deaf dancer meets a hearing one and therefore gestures, hands and touch become the main tools not only for communication but furthermore, to recognize the other, to create each other. The use of animation helps to underline this idea and to focus on the beauty and poetics of touch, a sense that people with sensorial impairments know so well.